Téparty eller freakshow?

Téparty med bitter eftersmak

Skribenten Johan Norberg liknade kongressvalet i USA vid en dålig solbränna i Metro.

Så trista framstår alternativen i USA också för en vanlig liberal svensk. Antingen får man republikaner som gillar frihandel, valfrihet och låga skatter, men på köpet får man också kristen höger, homofobi och främlingsfientlighet. Då söker man sig till demokraterna, men då får man samtidigt en växande stat, protektionism och motstånd mot friskolor.

*asg* Ja, usch ja. Jag håller helt med Johan!

Det pratas en del om tea-party rörelsen i Sverige också, men jag måste säga att jag känner mig mest illamående när jag läser om den. Ja, man får, som Johan skriver, valfrihet och blaha blaha men samtidigt så mycket moralism och galenskaper att det står mig upp i halsen.

47% av de som anser sig tillhöra Tea-party är också medlemmar i den kristna konservativa högern. 63% vill förbjuda abort, 82% är mot homosexuellas rätt att gifta sig och 25% anser att USA:s regering diskriminerar vita (!). 80% ser sig som kristna och 40-45% tror inte på evolutionen.

Det är kort och gott en politisk rörelse som beskrivits som liberal och libertariansk men som äkta liberaler mer och mer tar avstånd från.

Anledningen är enkel. Liberalism utan hjärta och hjärna är tyranni!

Islamofobi och annat snurrigt

En stor del är rasister, vilket har fått bland annat den färgade rörelsen NAACP att varna för att Tépartyt attraherar rasister. (Detta har även svenska Expo skrivit om.)

Tydligast ser man nog detta i den islamofobi som tépartyt sprider. The Grio rapporterar:

Does the Tea Party hate Muslims? You betcha. And certainly if they are not actually anti-Arab Islamophobes, then they are doing nothing to challenge this portrayal of themselves as religious bigots, not to mention racists.

Judson Phillips, the founder of the Tea Party Nation, does not mince words when it comes to his views on Islam and the people who practice the faith. ”A majority of Tea Party members, I suspect, are not fans of Islam,” Phillips said. ”I, personally have a real problem with Islam. With Islam, you have a religion that says kill the Jews, kill the infidels. It bothers me when a religion says kill the infidels. It bothers me a lot more when I am the infidel.”

Phillips sent out an email asking voters of Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District to vote for Republican candidate Lynn Torgerson, and against Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) because he is a Muslim:

There are a lot of liberals who need to be retired this year, but there are few I can think of more deserving than Keith Ellison. Ellison is one of the most radical members of congress. He has a ZERO rating from the American Conservative Union. He is the only Muslim member of congress. He supports the Counsel for American Islamic Relations, HAMAS and has helped congress send millions of tax to terrorists in Gaza…

At a McCain town hall meeting, one woman told the Republican presidential nominee that Obama is an Arab. McCain told the crowd that Obama is not an Arab and is ”a decent person,” though it is unclear why McCain suggested someone cannot be a decent Arab, but that’s another story. ”Come on, John!” one person in the crowd shouted in response to McCain, while others yelled ”liar,” and ”terrorist,” referring to Obama. And at the infamous health care town hall meetings, Tea Party held their signs depicting Obama as a Muslim terrorist dressed in traditional Muslim clothing.

HBL i Finland rapporterar att var femte amerikan (republikaner oftast) anser att president Obama måste vara muslim, och därmed också ett säkerhetshot mot USA kan tilläggas. Det ska tilläggas att med all säkerhet stöder nästan alla dessa tépartyrörelsen


På samma sätt som man hetsar mot islam hetsar man också mot homosexuella.

”Fruits are decorative, hang them up”, säger några debattörer på en Facebooksida för té partyt.

Och detta är ingen slump. Tépartyt har gjort homosexuella till en måltavla och hets mot homosexuella förekommer överallt på deras möten och hemsidor och från deras talarstolar.

Ja, en del av deras ledande företrädare antyder till och med öppet att homosexuella borde fängslas eller avrättas!

Well, one speaker is a former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court and current Alabama gubernatorial candidate – Roy Moore.

To put it mildly, Moore is a dangerous lunatic.

In 2002, Moore filed a concurring opinion in the case Ex Parte H.H.  In it, he called for stripping custody from a parent that engages in homosexual conduct (even if they are the biological parents):

I concur in the opinion of the majority that D.H., the mother of the minor children in this case, did not establish a change of circumstances sufficient to transfer custody to her from H.H., the father of the minor children. I write specially to state that the homosexual conduct of a parent — conduct involving a sexual relationship between two persons of the same gender — creates a strong presumption of unfitness that alone is sufficient justification for denying that parent custody of his or her own children or prohibiting the adoption of the children of others.

Oh, and he also tossed in a little mention about his desire for the state to imprison and even execute homosexuals:

The State carries the power of the sword, that is, the power to prohibit conduct with physical penalties, such as confinement and even execution. It must use that power to prevent the subversion of children toward this lifestyle, to not encourage a criminal lifestyle.

Of course Moore ranted about homosexuals in his Tea Party speech.  If you’re interested in what he said, you can read a summary here.  But, two takeaways from this.

  1. That this man served at such a high level in our judicial system is shameful.
  2. Why the fuck is Sarah Palin palling around with people that want to execute homosexuals and/or pull their children away from them? And, more importantly, why is her embrace of such hate being tolerated by the mainstream media – and by us.

Washington Blade rapporterar vidare:

National Coming Out Day got off to an unfortunate start as Carl Paladino, the Tea Party-backed GOP nominee for governor of New York, made the morning talk show rounds to elaborate on anti-gay remarks he made over the weekend.

Paladino told a group of Orthodox Jewish leaders that he does not want children “to be brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option — it isn’t.”

This morning on the Today show, Paladino told Matt Lauer that he would hire openly gay officials for his administration if he wins. But he went on to say that kids shouldn’t be exposed to gay people. On Good Morning America, Paladino mentioned his gay nephew. “My nephew tells me he didn’t have that choice. And I believe it’s a very, very difficult life for a young person.”

It’s a life made more difficult by bigots like Paladino, who parrots old, discredited and offensive stereotypes about the supposed dangers of allowing gay men to spend time with kids. It’s the most disgusting slur directed against gay men and Paladino had a national platform on National Coming Out Day to disseminate it.

Luckily, Paladino is a fringe candidate trailing Andrew Cuomo by more than 20 points in a recent poll. But his views highlight a problem with the Tea Party that hasn’t received much attention: its homophobia. The Tea Party has focused on economic issues, not because its supporters are so concerned about the national debt, but because they know that independent voters are increasingly turned off by anti-gay attacks.

Nej, jag är inte imponerad av den rörelsen. Det är som om Livets ord hade gått ihop med Sverigedemokraterna och ett gäng Libertarianer utan hjärta eller hjärna och sen skapat ett gemensamt projekt. Tépartyt representerar det sämsta av det sämsta i USA, anser jag.

Nytt: Svd, Dn, Svd, DN, DN, DN, SDS, AB, DN, Alvor, Darell, USA-bloggen, KD

Tea-party patriots, en facebookgrupp.


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8 tankar om “Téparty eller freakshow?

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Téparty eller freakshow? « Sverige är inte världens navel! -- Topsy.com

  2. ”Ni republikaner vill göra staten så liten att den får plats i våra sovrum”
    – Replik ur West Wing

  3. Den ”frihet” som tea-party vill ha är en frihet bara för vita, förmögna och helst höger-kristna, utan minsta ansvar för de som inte har pengar, som råkat ha annan hudfärg eller på annat sätt inte passar i deras mkt snäva norm.

    Det är en sköt-dig-själv-skit-i-andra-syn som passar utomordentligt dåligt för såväl modern som klassisk liberalism.

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